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Temperature, Relative Humidity, Rainfall and Sunshine Recorded at the Brunei International Airport2022-04-30T01:19:54Z, Relative Humidity, Rainfall And Sunshine Recorded At The Brunei International Airport.xlsx
Projects JUA Undertaken by Licensed Land Surveyors from Year 1980 - December 20212022-01-18T02:40:33Z Definition JUA Projects 2022.xls JUA Projects 2022.xlsx
Average Retail Price of Selected Non-Food Items2020-03-03T07:09:49Z Retail Price of Selected Non-Food Items.xlsx
List of Agreements and MOUs with the State of Kuwait2018-12-04T03:10:25Z Definition - List of Agreements and MOUs with State of Kuwait.xlsx - List of Agreements and MOUs with State of Kuwait.xlsx
Top Ten Arrivals By Air2021-02-24T02:23:23Z Definition For Top Ten Arrivals By Air.xlsx Ten Arrivals By Air.xlsx
Trade between Brunei Darussalam and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia2019-03-06T08:02:24Z Definition-Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Saudi Arabia.xlsx between Brunei Darussalam and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.xlsx
Trade between Brunei Darussalam and the State of Qatar2019-03-06T08:20:28Z Definition-Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Qatar.xlsx between Brunei Darussalam and the State of Qatar.xlsx
Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Pakistan2019-03-06T08:20:39Z Definition-Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Pakistan.xlsx between Brunei Darussalam and Pakistan.xlsx
Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Oman2019-03-06T08:20:58Z Definition-Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Oman.xlsx between Brunei Darussalam and Oman.xlsx
Trade between Brunei Darussalam and the Kingdom of Morocco2019-03-06T08:21:14Z Definition-Trade between Brunei Darussalam and Morocco.xlsx between Brunei Darussalam and the Kingdom of Morocco.xlsx